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Choose from our extensive Overnight Oats & Weetabix range


Grab your self a freshly made hot breakfast option to reheat. 

For all your grab and go breakfast needs. 

Jammie Dodger overnight oats

*For specials, please make a selection after choosing quantity

Choose Your Breakfast

    Now Choose Your Lunch

    Your food delivered weekly to your door



    Flexible option, choose as many meals as you need for the week.

    Create your own menu, tailor your plan with meals you love 

    No counting points or calories, we do the numbers for you 

    Delicious and ready to eat in a few minutes




    No need to add anything, our meals come with everything you will need

    Building Your Own Meal Plan Has Never Been Easier!

    Many people can't stick to diets, due to the amount of time needed, for prepping, shopping and cooking. A lot of the time you are having to read labels and check calories and watch everything you eat. Our Kitchen offers an alternative option, Nikki's Eats and Treats prepares freshly made healthy dishes for all meal times.

    With either our chef's choice 5-day meal plan which works on a weekly subscription or a build-your-own meal plan. We will ensure you stay on track and keep hitting your weightloss goals. 

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