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Welcome to My Story.
5st Gone Forever

I was always teased at school for my size from the age of 10, right through until I left school at 18. As an adult, I'd tried every diet going, and all the quick fixes were just that.


I resigned myself id be a size 16-18 forever. In June 2010 I had my first child and gained a load of weight. I joined slimming world weighing 17.5 stone. After initial success where I lost a stone in 6 weeks, it motivated me to carry on, but i thought i could do it at home and stopped going to group. 


I kept the weight off, until I had my second child, Chloe, being a mum and running my own business took over my life, and the weight returned. 


In March 2017 i split with my Husband and i decided enough was enough, and  I joined my friend's Slimming World group in Harlow. It was a slow process, by October 2019 id lost 4 1/2 stone, I'd met and fallen in love with a fellow group member, and was 5lb away from Target and my 5 stone weight loss when I fell pregnant with my third child.


I was determined to not put the weight back on and during the whole pregnancy I put on 1st 4lb. 4 weeks after giving birth I was back at my pre-weight. i got to Target in Feb 2021, winning the biggest loser in our group as well, with 5 stone 1.5lb loss. 


David & I got married a year later than planned, due to covid, and i was still at Target and my dream size, on our wedding day. I fell pregnant on our Honeymoon with our Daughter. I really struggled with this pregnancy, and gained 2.5stone overall. Which following her birth in Feb 2023, it took my 6 months to get back to Target. 




It's a lifestyle choice, not a diet

I've always been a planner, and love nothing more than sitting with my books and choosing the week's meals, I love food optimising.

Healthy eating is a lifestyle choice, it's not a diet. We still go away, enjoy the food that we eat and make food swaps where we can, and we protect our weight on either side of our trips to minimise any potential weight gains. Any gains we do have, we don't feel guilty about as we had a nice time away. And we just get back on plan as soon as we are back.

Throughout my pregnancy I had terrible sweet cravings, so we started making desserts every night. We liked it so much, we’ve continued it. It's now part of my planning.
Making desserts gives us something to look forward to after dinner for that sweet fix and keeps us full til breakfast.

I thought a lot and decided if I can have success following this lifestyle, hopefully, I could help many others too. So I decided to launch a range of breakfast packs, simply buy a pack and add natural yoghurt and create a delicious breakfast on the go.

They are all calorie counted and slimming world friendly. This grew in popularity, so I decided to expand and serve healthy dishes for all meal times including breakfast, lunch and dinner and now here we are, at a point where we can offer 5-day meal plans alongside individual orders, that can be shipped the next day anywhere in the UK from our kitchen In Harlow.  


I am proud of what we do here at Nikki's Eats & Treats and I hope that reflects in the service and quality of food we provide to you. Importantly we also completed all the allergens and have been inspected and received a 5-star Hygiene rating.

If you have always failed on your weight loss journey!

Let Nikki's Eats & Treats deliver a weekly meal plan, that is calorie counted, freshly prepared and delivered to you. Take a look at our Meal plans or try one of our meals which you can buy from our shop now


If you need any further information on any of our plans or recipes, please contact us via your preferred method below. 

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